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Power Relations Criticism: The Unpopularity of "Anarchism" as a Viewpoint

 Power Relations Criticism Power Relations Criticism: The Unpopularity of "Anarchism" as a Viewpoint 1. Background of Anarchism In the United States in particular, its form of government and economic system is commonly accepted as the best form of governmental and economic systems. This means, that when citizens advocate or simply speak of alternative forms of systems such as "communism" or "socialism", people often react negatively. This could be seen in the era of the Red Scare or McCarthyism in the United States during the 1950s. This period was characterized by a fear of communism and anarchism, or other similar forms of leftist ideologies. This led to the attack of people who were associated with these ideologies, or "blacklisting". It can be argued that this era never really ended, as American capitalism and democracy continued to be considered as the "truth", or as the best form of society. Anarchism is quite similar to Marx'

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